👨💻 My name is Benji. I'm the CTO at VisiMedia and I'm passionate about how technology can be used for good.
🔭 Feel free to have a look through my GitHub to see some of my current projects.
📫 How to reach me: Contact me on GitHub or Linkedin
Archivord - An Archvial bot for Discord. All data will be submitted to the Arctic World Archive.
Serverless app that integrates with Twilio & Monzo to remind you (passive aggressively) that you're spending too much money.
Integrates with the MusixMatch and Google Translate APIs to translate any songs to any language. Uses a very basic natural language processor to interpret the requests.
Serverless app that integrates with Twilio to ensure safety of vulnerable individuals with regular check-ins and reporting.
Windows application to enable modern "telegrams" between two thermal printers.
A simple TS compatible library that returns either morning, afternoon or evening dependent on a given EPOCH time.
Fetches a random XKCD comic and returns the URL.
Cross-platform support to shutdown a computer from Node.js
For business enquiries, feel free to reach out to me at VisiMedia on 0118 370 2920 or [email protected].
Alternatively, feel free to reach out via GitHub, Mastodon or LinkedIn
Thanks to bennyluk for the readme that I shamelessly stole